
Is It Good To Eat Yogurt in the Morning? 

 February 16, 2025

By  Diane Miles

Yogurt is one of the world’s most popular fermented foods, loaded with many health benefits especially for the gut. However, many people wonder if its benefits are just as good when yogurt is consumed in the morning.

Eating yogurt in the morning, on an empty stomach, is beneficial for most people. However, if you are prone to acidity or other stomach issues, avoid eating yogurt on an empty stomach because it can increase hydrochloric acid in the gut, killing the lactic acid bacteria and causing acidity.

There are more things to understand about consuming yogurt in the morning so you can decide if it’s best for you or not. Read on below to learn more.

Can I Eat Yogurt First Thing in the Morning?

Many people already eat yogurt for breakfast, first thing in the morning. It’s become a habit for many, and one that they continue for years without any issue.

Then there are those who are unable to handle eating yogurt on an empty stomach. They may experience nausea, bloating, gas, chest pains, or even acidity. That is because eating yogurt, as well as other fermented foods, on an empty stomach leads to the growth of hydrochloric acid.

Upon waking up, or when you are hungry, the stomach is highly acidic. Eating yogurt when you are hungry in the morning increases the hydrochloric acid in the stomach and it kills off most of the lactic acid bacteria in yogurt, leading to acidity. Not only do you end up feeling sick, but you also don’t get to enjoy the health benefits of yogurt anymore since the bacteria has been killed off.

So there is no right or wrong answer if you are wondering whether it’s good or bad to eat yogurt first thing in the morning. People who are lactose intolerant, highly acidic, have gastritis, or other stomach conditions should avoid eating yogurt on an empty stomach. Meanwhile, people who have none of these issues can continue eating it first thing in the morning.

If you do have stomach issues, yogurt is best eaten 1-2 hours after you have consumed other foods, even in the morning. You can consume yogurt after first eating some oats, fruit, or breakfast foods or even later on in the day as a snack.


Hypochlorhydria, or having low levels of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, is a stomach condition. It’s more common among older people because as we age, the body is less able to produce hydrochloric acid. Healthy levels of hydrochloric acid in the body are important for several functions, especially in absorbing nutrients from food and efficient digestion.

Individuals with hypochlorhydria can eat yogurt on an empty stomach as a healthy, natural way to increase hydrochloric acid. Doing so enables you to enjoy the probiotic benefits of yogurt while reducing the inflammation caused by low hydrochloric acid.

Healthy Yogurts Recommended for Breakfast

There are many different types of healthy yogurt you can eat in the morning. Here are some examples that you can find on Amazon:

-   Dannon Oikos Triple Zero Blended Greek Nonfat Yogurt
-   Chobani Greek Yogurt Assorted Variety Pack
-   Yoplait Yogurt 99% Fat Free Blueberry Yogurt 

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if you eat yogurt every morning?

Yogurt has many excellent health benefits that you can enjoy if it’s consumed everyday, even in the morning. These include:

  • Improved digestive system: The good bacteria in yogurt strengthens your immune system, while promoting a healthy digestive system. Regular consumption of yogurt has also been shown to reduce the risk of various gastrointestinal conditions and inflammation.
  • Weight loss: Eating yogurt that is low in sugar can help keep you full for longer periods of time. It can be part of a wholistic weight-loss approach together with a healthy diet and regular exercise.
  • Improved cardiovascular health: Yogurt that is low in sugar and fat is an excellent snack for those who are trying to reduce their cholesterol levels. On top of that, yogurt also contains potassium, which is beneficial for regulating your blood pressure.

If you want to maximize the health benefits of eating yogurt every morning, it’s wise to choose the yogurt you eat carefully. Many commercially produced yogurt brands contain lots of sugar, so opt for yogurt that contains a little under 7 grams in each cup. In addition, it’s always recommended to consume yogurt that has live and active bacteria for its probiotic effects.

You can also choose to make your own yogurt at home.

Keep in mind that not everyone may be able to stomach consuming yogurt in the morning. If you experience side effects such as acid reflux, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, or other stomach conditions after eating yogurt in the morning, you may be better off eating it as a snack later in the day, or 1-2 hours after a meal.

What To Eat With Yogurt for Breakfast?

Yogurt can be eaten with many other nutritious foods for breakfast. While it can also be enjoyed alone, here are some examples of healthy food to complement yogurt for breakfast:

  • Chia seeds
  • Flax seeds
  • Goji berries
  • Fresh fruit (bananas, mango, berries, oranges, nectarines)
  • Low-sugar granola
  • Coconut flakes
  • Honey
  • Muesli 

A mixture of these can be combined in a bowl with your yogurt to create a tasty breakfast that’s rich in vitamins, nutrients, and probiotics.

What Is the Best Time To Eat Yogurt?

The best time to eat yogurt is 1-2 hours after a meal. During this time, the gastric acids in the stomach is lower, enabling your body to better absorb the beneficial bacteria in yogurt while minimizing the risk for acidity.

On the other hand, consuming yogurt on an empty stomach may not be beneficial for individuals who have stomach issues such as lactose intolerance, gastritis, and acidity. If you have these conditions, eating yogurt while hungry will increase the production of hydrochloric acid in the gut, causing uncomfortable gastrointestinal effects such as nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, or acid reflux.

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