
10 Health Benefits of Plain Yogurt and How to Use It 

 March 5, 2025

By  Diane Miles

It's no secret that many of us don't really enjoy eating plain yogurt - why bother if there are all those delicious flavored options to choose from? Well, it may surprise you to know that plain yogurt can offer a wide range of health benefits when consumed regularly.

Plain yogurt is a great source of probiotics, which can help support good gut health and boost immune system function. Additionally, it is high in protein, calcium, and other essential vitamins and minerals.

In this post, we'll explore the top ten health benefits of plain yogurt and provide simple ideas on how to incorporate it into your daily diet. So, if you've been wondering why you should be eating more plain yogurt, read on to find out the answers!

The Nutrition in Plain Yogurt

Plain yogurt is an incredibly nutritious food, packed full of vitamins and minerals as well as beneficial bacteria which support the proper functioning of your gut microbiome. One cup (245 grams) of non-fat plain yogurt provides approximately:

  • Calories: 133
  • Protein: 13.3 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 12.7 grams
  • Fat: 0.2 grams
  • Calcium: 27% of the RDI
  • Vitamin B12: 19% of the RDI
  • Riboflavin (B2): 17% of the RDI
  • Potassium: 11% of the RDI
  • Phosphorus: 21% of the RDI
  • Magnesium: 10% of the RDI

Plain yogurt is also a good source of pantothenic acid (B5), iodine, and zinc. Additionally, yogurt can be high in probiotics and beneficial bacteria. These bacteria make their way through your gastrointestinal tract where they provide a number of health benefits such as promoting healthy digestion and contributing to a strong immune system.

Furthermore, plain yogurt has been linked to improved cholesterol levels and blood pressure, and reduced risk for certain cancers. Since plain yogurt is relatively low in calories and carbs it could also be useful as part of a weight loss plan by helping you feel fuller for longer with its high protein content.

On the other hand, some have suggested that dairy products can increase inflammation and certain medical experts recommend avoiding dairy altogether. As always, you should consult with your healthcare provider before making any major changes to your diet or lifestyle.

With all this in mind, it's clear that plain yogurt has a lot to offer nutritionally speaking. In the next section, we'll dive into more detail about exactly how much protein plain yogurt contains and what other health benefits it may offer due to its high protein amount.


Plain yogurt is an excellent source of protein, making it a great addition to the diets of those looking to add more lean muscle and reduce their carbohydrate intake. One single-serving container of plain nonfat yogurt contains approximately 13-14 grams of protein, which is more than a large egg or 1 ounce of lean red meat.

Not only is yogurt a great source of easily digestible proteins, but it also contains all nine essential amino acids that the body can’t make on its own; thus eliminating any concerns regarding amino acid deficiencies when yogurt is part of a balanced diet.

Furthermore, due to its high protein content, consuming plain yogurt may help regulate hunger and provide satiety. One study found that consuming higher-protein foods at breakfast was associated with reduced food cravings later in the day and greater overall daily fullness. Therefore, adding plain yogurt to meals may increase satisfaction and reduce overeating throughout the day.

On the other hand, some people prefer not to consume higher levels of dairy proteins for various dietary reasons such as lactose intolerance or vegetarianism. Additionally, there are concerns that higher levels of animal proteins can cause health issues such as kidney damage, bone loss, and heart failure; however, most studies have not shown any clear link between long-term consumption of dairy proteins in healthy adults and any negative health outcomes.

Overall, plain yogurt offers numerous benefits related to its protein content and therefore should be incorporated into any balanced diet for optimum health and well-being.

Now let's discuss the essential nutrients that plain yogurt contains which will further support overall health and well-being.

Essential Nutrients

Yogurt is a dairy product made by fermenting milk with friendly bacteria such as Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. These bacteria transform the lactose (the sugar found in milk) into lactic acid, which gives yogurt its defining tart flavor and texture. In addition to being a great source of calcium, plain yogurt also provides healthy bacteria known as probiotics or good bacteria. What’s more, there are other key nutrients that make plain yogurt an amazing health-promoting food.

First and foremost among these essential nutrients is protein. Plain yogurt is packed with protein. Having 8–10 grams of protein per serving makes it an ideal substitute for those looking for an alternative to the typical animal-based sources such as chicken and beef. Additionally, the presence of carbohydrates in plain Greek yogurt can provide energy for physical activities, so individuals who depend heavily on their physical prowess can consider adding Greek yogurt to their diets.

Vitamins and minerals are also essential nutrients that make plain yogurt a superfood. Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) helps with cell growth and repair while vitamin B12 helps create red blood cells. The minerals phosphorus and magnesium play a role in developing strong bones, while selenium assists in regulating the body's metabolism.

Research has shown that regular consumption of plain yogurt may even reduce the risk of chronic conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, asthma, cancer, and heart disease due to its content of potassium and magnesium which are necessary for regulating blood pressure levels.

Plain yogurt also offers some of the omega-3 fatty acids that are typically associated with fish oil supplements including alpha-linoleic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). With evidence linking these fatty acids to improved brain functions, better immune system response, helping to reduce inflammation in the body, and potentially reducing one’s risk of some forms of cancer – it's easy to see why including plain yogurts into one's diet can be so beneficial.

Essential nutrients like protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids - all make plain yogurt a wonderful health-promoting food! In our next section we will discuss the numerous health benefits that consuming regular amounts of this amazing superfood can bring about!

Health Benefits of Plain Yogurt

Plain yogurt offers many health benefits that make it a valuable and versatile food. It’s rich in calcium, a mineral essential for strong bones. In addition to supporting overall bone health, calcium helps in the proper functioning of muscles and nerves. Research also indicates that consuming foods like plain yogurt that are high in calcium can help reduce the risk of developing certain types of cancer, such as colon cancer and ovarian cancer.

Plain yogurt is also naturally low in calories and a great source of protein, making it perfect for supporting weight management goals. Protein helps keep you feeling full throughout the day and plays an important role in keeping your immune system strong. In addition to protein, plain yogurt contains probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria that help maintain digestive health. There is evidence to suggest that probiotics can enhance the body’s natural resistance against disease-causing organisms.

In contrast, some people prefer Greek yogurts with added sugar or artificial sweeteners which can have adverse impacts on health that should be taken into consideration. Some studies have linked increased consumption of sugary or artificial yogurts to obesity and diabetes due to their higher calorie content. Therefore, plain yogurt without added sugar is recommended as it still contains beneficial bacteria while limiting the amount of additional calories ingested.

Plain yogurt can be enjoyed alone as a snack or used as an ingredient in dishes to boost nutrition. An easy way to take advantage of its numerous health benefits is by incorporating it into your meals and snacks on a daily basis. By doing so, you can pave the way for improved digestion and better overall health.

In the next section, we will discuss how plain yogurt can aid digestion and improve overall gut health.

Improved Digestion

The probiotic bacteria found in plain yogurt is responsible for its reputation as a digestive aid. Probiotics are beneficial to the digestive system because they help break down food and balance out the levels of bad bacteria in the gut. Studies have shown that regular consumption of yogurt can improve digestion and reduce abdominal discomfort associated with poor digestion, such as bloating and gas. The lactic acid produced by these probiotic cultures also helps to keep your digestive system healthy by maintaining the ideal pH balance.

There is still debate though whether eating yogurt really does help improve digestion. Opponents argue that there is no scientific evidence suggesting that this is true, while advocates suggest that there are long-term health benefits for people who regularly eat yogurt.

To get the full benefit of improved digestion from yogurt, it should be consumed regularly, preferably every day. Making it part of your normal diet is an easy way to take advantage of its probiotic properties.

Next up, we'll discuss how probiotics in plain yogurt can also contribute to a healthier immune system.

Probiotics for the Immune System

Plain yogurt contains live and active cultures known as probiotics which are beneficial to the digestive system, making it an ideal snack for those looking to maintain a healthy weight. Probiotics have also been linked to supporting the immune system, reducing inflammation, and providing anti-viral protection. Studies have shown that consumption of probiotic yogurt can improve the body's microbiota – the helpful bacteria that live in our gut – thereby enhancing the immune response.

Proponents of this claim suggest that consuming probiotic yogurt on a regular basis may reduce the risk of infection and contribute to overall health. For example, certain beneficial bacteria are thought to produce metabolites that inhibit pathogenic bacteria and viruses from entering the intestinal cells in our gut by competing for food sources or producing protective enzymes. Furthermore, some research suggests that probiotic yogurt can reduce markers of inflammation and activate natural killer cells – a form of white blood cell responsible for detecting foreign bodies in the body.

Despite such promising results, there is still little evidence to support a strong link between probiotics yogurt consumption and improved immunity. In many cases, studies are inconclusive or need replication due to small sample sizes or inadequate study design. The best approach appears to be balanced – combining good nutrition with sufficient probiotic intake from both dietary sources (including plain yogurt) and possibly through supplements.

While research into the efficacy of probiotic yogurt as an immune booster is ongoing, these tasty treats may still be used as part of a well-rounded health plan to help ward off illnesses and improve overall well-being. Picking up where this discussion left off, the next section will look at how plain yogurt can assist with weight loss efforts.

Weight Loss with Plain Yogurt

One of the advantages of plain yogurt is that it can be an effective weight loss tool. By limiting sugar intake, and increasing your protein consumption, you may find that adding yogurt to your diet helps you regulate your weight. Some interested in watching their consumption of dairy can also opt for lower fat yogurt options as well.

The scientific community has explored links between yogurt consumption and a decrease in calorie intake. Studies have shown that regularly eating yogurt can reduce hunger - a major cause of weight gain- by promoting more feelings of fullness after eating for those on a regular diet.

This means that people who eat yogurt as part of their diets may be more likely to have a lower BMI than those who do not. For example, one study from 2012 suggested that "fewer daily servings of acidic dairy products (including nonfat and low-fat yogurt) was associated with lower risk for obesity".

Research does not always agree with this link between yogurt and weight loss. In fact, some studies suggest that women consuming 6+ servings of short-term fermented dairy (such as yogurt) per week were at higher risk for becoming overweight or obese due to the increased amount of saturated fat they consumed. This suggests that while many types of foods ― including yogurt ― come along with good nutrition stats, the context, and quantity remain important when considering its effects.

However, regardless of the debate over whether plain yogurt helps or hinders weight loss efforts, it remains a good choice for a healthy lifestyle when eaten in moderation, providing essential nutrients like calcium and probiotics. Plus, with its versatility in recipes both sweet and savory, there are plenty of creative ways to integrate plain yogurt into a variety of meals. Now let's move onto exploring these easy yogurt recipes!

Easy Yogurt Recipes

Yogurt is a versatile kitchen staple that can be used in many different recipes. Not only is it high in protein, calcium and probiotics, but it also adds a rich tangy flavor to foods. Whether you’re looking for a savory dinner entrée or a sweet treat for dessert, yogurt can be used to create delicious recipes your whole family will enjoy. Here are some easy yogurt recipes that are sure to please even the pickiest of eaters.

  • Savory Dishes: Yogurt makes an excellent substitute for heavier ingredients in savory dishes, like mayonnaise and sour cream. To get started, try this Greek-style egg sandwich: mix light yogurt with dill, salt and pepper, then combine with diced hard-boiled eggs and tomatoes. Serve on your favorite bread and top with lettuce and cucumber slices. You can also use plain yogurt as an ingredient in homemade pizza dough – simply add the yogurt to the liquid ingredients before combining them with the dry ingredients.
  • Sweet Treats: Plain yogurt is the perfect base for delicious sweet treats like frozen yogurts and parfaits. One easy option is to blend plain Greek yogurt with fresh fruit and honey for a quick smoothie. You can also make creamy frozen yogurt by melting together milk and dark chocolate chips, then adding plain Greek yogurt and stirring until completely incorporated. Serve your homemade frozen yogurt with cinnamon sugar topping or your favorite fruits!

Sweeter still are yogurt parfaits! Layer plain Greek yogurt with fresh fruit, granola, and a drizzle of honey – or mix it up using flavored yogurt and nuts instead! A parfait makes a great alternative to sugary desserts but still offers the satisfaction of something sweet without all the guilt associated with unhealthy options.

No matter what kind of recipe you’re making, plain Greek yogurt can easily be substituted into classic recipes without sacrificing flavor or texture – so don’t be afraid to get creative in the kitchen! The possibilities are truly endless when it comes to using this nutritious superfood.

With so many tasty ways to use it, it's no surprise that plain Greek yogurt is becoming increasingly popular among home cooks who are looking for new recipes that offer health benefits too!

Now let's take a look at how these simple ingredients can be combined in other ways by exploring the next section about yogurt parfait!

Yogurt Parfait

Yogurt parfait is a tasty and healthy way to enjoy yogurt. Combining yogurt with fruits, nuts, and/or granola creates a nutritious meal or snack that can be easily taken on the go. Yogurt parfaits are filled with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals from fruits, as well as beneficial bacteria from probiotic yogurt. The crunchy texture of the granola further enhances flavor and nutrition, making it an excellent choice for those who want something both satiating and tasty.

At the same time, it's important to remember that while yogurt parfaits are generally considered a healthy choice, they may not always be the best option. Depending on your dietary needs and calorie limits, too many additions such as honey or dried fruit can make a yogurt parfait excessively high in calories and sugar. It's also important to limit the amount of granola you add to ensure there are no unhealthy oils present. Therefore, it's best to stay mindful of portion sizes when creating yogurt parfaits so as not to exceed calorie and nutrient goals.

With its delicious flavor and nutritional punch, yogurt parfait is an excellent snack or meal alternative. That said, it is important to take into account additional ingredients when preparing yogurt parfaits in order to ensure optimal health benefits. With this in mind, let’s move onto the next section about how yogurt can be blended into smoothies for an even more convenient approach to eating healthily!

Yogurt parfaits are a healthy meal or snack option that can provide antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and beneficial bacteria. In order to ensure optimal health benefits, be mindful of portion sizes to avoid excess sugar and unhealthy oils. Yogurt can also be blended into smoothies for a more convenient approach to eating healthily.


Smoothies are an incredibly versatile treat, and many people enjoy adding plain yogurt to create even more unique flavors. Some consider yogurt to be the best addition to smoothies because it provides a great flavor and texture along with a significant amount of nutrition. It can also help thicken a smoothie mixture or act as a somewhat healthy substitute for ice cream, creating a healthier version of your favorite milkshake. Additionally, the probiotics in plain yogurt may help improve digestion and support gut health when consumed regularly.

On the flip side, adding too much plain yogurt to your smoothie could result in a thicker drink that becomes overly heavy and difficult to consume. Furthermore, depending on your diet preferences and goals, some believe that the naturally occurring sugar in yogurts could lead to an unhealthy spike in blood sugar levels and weigh down your smoothie’s nutritional content.

Considering all of these pros and cons, it’s important to give thought to how much plain yogurt you use and how best it could be helpful for you before throwing it into your next blend. At the same time, don’t forget to go easy; excessive amounts could take away from your experience rather than add something positive.

Now that we’ve discussed how one might use plain yogurt in smoothies, let’s look at what one should avoid when using it in their meal plan.

What to Avoid with Plain Yogurt

When making decisions about using plain yogurt as part of your diet, there are some things you should generally avoid.

  • Too Much Sugar: While plain yogurt is known for its health benefits, many brands have added sugar, syrups, and other sweeteners that can increase the amount of sugar and calories per serving. Check labels carefully and opt for yogurts without these additives whenever possible.
  • Sweetened Flavors and Varieties: Flavored varieties of plain yogurt often contain large amounts of added sugar. For example, flavored Greek yogurts can contain as much as four times the amount of sugar found in non-flavored Greek yogurts. Since nutritional labeling does not currently differentiate between naturally occurring sugars and added sugars, it is important to read both the ingredient list and nutrition facts label before making a selection.
  • Artificial Colorings/Flavorings: Many varieties of yogurt on the market also contain artificial colorings and flavorings, like high fructose corn syrup. While they may add an extra layer of flavor to the yogurt, these additives can also be potentially harmful to one’s health. Whenever possible, go for the least processed option - generally those without food dyes or additive flavors.
  • Fat Content: Plain yogurt does contain healthy fats that can help fill you up and provide essential nutrients, but it can also come with high fat content if not chosen carefully. Consider opting for non-fat or low fat varieties when available to help minimize total fat intake for the day.
  • Live Cultures: The debate about live cultures in foods remains somewhat controversial as some of them can be beneficial while others may be potentially harmful to our health. Depending on individual preferences, some people choose to buy organic varieties with added probiotic cultures while others prefer sticking to plain yogurt without any added bacteria or supplementation.

Frequently Asked Questions 

What are the health benefits of eating plain yogurt?

Plain yogurt is a delicious and nutritious food that has many health benefits, from helping to maintain gut health and boosting the immune system to reducing the risk of certain diseases.

Firstly, plain yogurt is rich in beneficial probiotics, which are live bacteria that help to maintain healthy digestion by promoting the growth of good bacteria in the gut. This can reduce symptoms of gastrointestinal issues such as bloating, constipation, and colitis.

Secondly, plain yogurt is packed full of important vitamins and minerals such as calcium and vitamin B12, making it an essential part of any balanced diet. It can therefore help to strengthen bones, improve cardiovascular health and boost energy levels.

Thirdly, plain yogurt can reduce the risk of certain diseases including type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and breast cancer due to its high protein content, low sugar levels and potential anti-inflammatory effects.

Finally, plain yogurt contains healthy fats which promote satiety and help you feel full for longer after eating it. This can be helpful for those looking to manage their weight or for those with diabetes who need to better control their blood sugar levels.

There are numerous health benefits associated with eating plain yogurts such as improved gut health, increased immunity, stronger bones, and reduced risk of obesity and chronic diseases.

What are the best ingredients to mix with plain yogurt to make a flavorful snack?

The best ingredients to mix with plain yogurt for a flavorful snack are fresh or frozen fruit, honey, and nuts.

Fruit adds natural sweetness and flavor to the otherwise tart and tangy yogurt, while fresh or frozen berries, mangoes, and peaches are especially delicious. Honey is another great addition to give the yogurt even more sweetness and a touch of luxury. Nuts such as almonds and walnuts add crunchy texture along with healthy fats and some protein for a filling snack.

When making your own yogurt snack, go ahead and experiment with different ingredients to find out what you like best. You can also try adding spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg, or allspice to give it an extra punch of flavor. The possibilities are endless when it comes to adding ingredients to plain yogurt!

What are some creative ideas for using plain yogurt in recipes?

  1. Use it as a substitute for mayo or sour cream in sandwiches and wraps! Not only does it add a burst of flavor, but it is also packed with probiotics making it healthy for you.
  2. Make your own Greek yogurt dip. Combine plain yogurt, grated cucumber, garlic, dill, parsley, olive oil, salt, and pepper to create a refreshing and flavorful dip.
  3. Whip up a delicious smoothie or milkshake by blending together plain yogurt and your favorite fruits or juices.
  4. Use plain yogurt to make pancakes. It adds moisture to the batter, making the pancakes fluffy and light.
  5. Incorporate plain yogurt into savory dishes like curries and stir fries for added creaminess without all the unhealthy fat content.
  6. Use plain yogurt as a marinade base in BBQ dishes -- add herbs, spices, garlic, and honey to enhance flavor!
  7. Replace heavy cream with yogurt in creamy pastas to lighten up the dish while still having its richness.
  8. Swap out store-bought dressings for healthier homemade versions that involve plain yogurt instead of unhealthy oils and fats.
  9. Mix together plain yogurt and softened cream cheese for an amazing frosting on your favorite cakes or cupcakes!
  10. Create an indulgent frozen treat similar to ice cream by blending together banana slices, honey, and plain yogurt in a food processor - voila!
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