
Does Yogurt Help With Morning Sickness? 

 February 16, 2025

By  Diane Miles

Morning sickness is an inevitable aspect of pregnancy for many women, though there are easy ways to combat it simply by eating certain types of food. But some women wonder if yogurt, with all its health benefits, also helps ease morning sickness.

Yogurt is one of the best foods to prevent and treat morning sickness. It’s rich in protein, which is effective in neutralizing stomach acids that cause nausea and morning sickness. In addition, yogurt is easy to digest and can help prevent nausea when eaten in the morning.

Morning sickness isn’t pleasant, but thanks to yogurt, you can beat nausea while enjoying this tasty and delicious snack. Read on below to learn more.

Is Yogurt Good for Morning Sickness?

Yogurt is a wonderful snack for moms-to-be. This nutritious food is rich in protein and other nutrients which can help you prevent morning sickness.

There are several ways it can help you beat morning sickness:

Protein Content

Yogurt is a superior source of protein, providing you with anywhere from 5 to 10 grams of protein in every serving. The larger the container of yogurt, the more protein you should be able to get out of it.

Greek yogurt is the better choice as it already has twice the amount of protein compared to regular yogurt. That’s because when Greek yogurt is processed, most of the liquid whey is eliminated through straining. This results in a thicker, creamier yogurt that has less sugar and more protein.

Experts have found that high protein foods are effective in reducing the prevalence of morning sickness. On the other hand, women who consume more carbohydrates tend to suffer from vomiting and nausea compared to those who consume high protein. This is why it’s important to be cautious about the type of yogurt you consume to prevent morning sickness; Greek yogurt or regular yogurt with a high protein content is best, and the less sugar there is, the better.

To make the most out of the yogurt’s protein content in combatting nausea, have some before you get out of bed in the morning.

Easy to Digest

Yogurt is easy on the stomach, and its benefits are tremendous for the digestive system. Because it’s easily digestible and helps neutralize stomach acidity, it makes a wonderful snack in the mornings to prevent nausea. However, some women may be more prone to acidity than other so if you find that eating yogurt on an empty stomach can cause even more nausea, you may want to try eating yogurt an hour or two after having a healthy breakfast.

Aside from breakfast, yogurt also makes a great snack for expectant mothers any time of the day because a completely empty stomach can worsen nausea for many women.

Yogurt Is a Cold Snack

Certain food smells can trigger morning sickness in women. However, cold foods are known to have significantly less odor and yogurt is always consumed cold. Most types of yogurt don’t emit a smell, which makes it easy for pregnant women to consume without setting off their nausea.

The only time your yogurt will have a smell is if it’s gone bad.

Not All Yogurt Is Created Equal

When shopping around for yogurt to treat morning sickness, remember that not all yogurts are made equally.

Most commercially produced yogurts are heavy on sugar, and the benefits you’ll get from it are dependent on how it’s made. That’s why it’s important to choose low sugar yogurt that’s high in calcium and low in sugar, or plain unflavored Greek yogurt. You can add some healthy toppings on your own such as:

  • Nuts (walnuts, almonds) (pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds are ideal)
  • Seeds (pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds)
  • Fruit (opt for alkalizing fruits such as watermelons, avocadoes, bananas, and apples)
  • Granola (low sugar variety; homemade is best)

Eating sugary yogurt can do the opposite: trigger your morning sickness.

Of course, you can also make your own yogurt right at home. This way you’ll have full control of its ingredients and texture to ensure that you’re getting the nutrients that you need, all while saving money.

Best Yogurt for Treating Morning Sickness

Yogurt that is high in protein and low in sugar is recommended for pregnant women who want to prevent morning sickness. Here are some examples of excellent yogurt for expectant mothers that you can find on Amazon:

-   Straus Family Creamery Plain Greek Yogurt
-   Chobani Whole Milk Plain Greek Yogurt
-   Maple Hill Creamery Organic Plain Greek Yogurt

Frequently Asked Questions

What foods make morning sickness worse?

Foods that are high in fat, spices, and those that have a strong odor are known to make morning sickness worse because they speed up the release of stomach acids. In addition, citrus juices such as orange, or drinking high-caffeine teas and coffees can worsen nausea.

Bland, low-odor, and cold foods in small portions consumed throughout the day can help prevent morning sickness. Many believe in having a protein snack such as yogurt, or some salty but bland crackers in the morning, are beneficial in neutralizing stomach acids and preventing nausea.

How to stop morning sickness in early pregnancy?

Avoiding morning sickness from early on in your pregnancy is completely possible with a few lifestyle changes.

Watch Your Diet: Eat foods that are high in protein sparingly throughout the day. Avoid spicy, hot, fried, and fatty foods. Instead, opt for bland food such as applesauce, toast, salty crackers, plain yogurt, bananas, and rice.

Consuming ginger is a tried-and-tested remedy against morning sickness. Be sure to snack often; having 4-5 small meals is better compared to having three large meals because an empty stomach can make morning sickness much worse.

Hydrate: Drink lots of water and fluids throughout the day. Cold water, warm lemon water, and cold ginger ale are recommended for pregnant women who want to avoid morning sickness. Always aim to consume at least 8 cups of fluids per day, and avoid caffeine.

Take Your Prenatal Vitamins: Prenatal vitamins are essential in keeping both you and your baby healthy throughout pregnancy. They are designed to include important vitamins and nutrients that not just benefit you but can also prevent morning sickness. Some women feel nauseous after taking their vitamins, so if this sounds like you, be sure to have it with a snack or before bed.

What are the best fruits for morning sickness?

Eating certain fruits regularly have been shown to reduce morning sickness in many women. These include:

  • Melons
  • Watermelons
  • Bananas
  • Pineapple
  • Avocados
  • Apricots
  • Oranges
  • Mangoes
  • Pomegranates
  • Pears
  • Guava

However, be sure to observe your triggers. Not all pregnant women are alike, as some may find that certain fruit varieties can worsen morning sickness.

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