
Is Stringy Yogurt Safe To Eat? 

 February 26, 2025

By  Diane Miles

Making your own yogurt at home can sometimes yield unexpected results. Many people often report finding stringy yogurt, but wonder if it’s still safe to consume.

Stringy yogurt can still be consumed safely as long as it doesn’t exhibit other signs of going bad. If yogurt is stringy but has a fresh, tangy smell and taste, then you can continue eating it. However, if stringy yogurt smells rancid, rotten, and strongly acidic, it’s better off to throw it away.

There are certain factors that contribute to stringy yogurt. Read on below to learn more about whether or not it’s still edible.

Can You Eat Stringy Yogurt?

Yogurt can sometimes come out with a stringy texture.

This is still safe to eat even if its texture is undesirable, as long as it doesn’t have other signs of going bad. Look out for signs of rot which include:

  • Bad odor, such as one that’s extremely sour, pungent, rancid, off-putting, or smells like beer;
  • Mold, or the presence of fuzzy white, green, or black spots on the surface;
  • Unusual amount of liquid that forms on the surface;
  • Curdled texture near the bottom.

If your yogurt is stringy but still smells, looks, and tastes the way it should, then it’s perfectly safe to eat it.

What Causes Yogurt To Be Stringy?

Certain factors in production can cause yogurt to be stringy. Knowing what these are can help you prevent stringy yogurt again.

Yeast Contamination

Yogurt that has come out stringy and has a strong, yeasty smell such as that of bread or beer, this means that it has been contaminated by yeast. The yeast can come from around your kitchen area and the air in containers of milk. Once they have reached the milk and this is used in making yogurt, it can mess up the yogurt making process resulting in a yeasty smell and stringy texture.

You can prevent this by ensuring you use sanitized kitchen equipment and always practicing good hygiene.

If yogurt has been contaminated by yeast, it would be evident in its yeasty smell and the possibility of mold – thus it should not be eaten.

Temperature Control Problems

The live bacteria in yogurt activate in varying temperatures. However, bacteria culture that results in stringy yogurt activates with lower temperatures, so it can occur when you’ve added milk while it’s still too cold, or the yogurt maker you are using is unable to keep temperatures stable.

Generally, when yogurt maker temperatures drop to under 37C, the bacteria responsible for stringy and slimy yogurt overtakes the rest of the bacteria that help make it smooth and creamy. In addition, using UHT milk (ultra-heat treatment) which is highly shelf-stable without properly heating it first will result in stringy yogurt, though it should still be safe to eat.


Stringy yogurt may still be safe to eat if it hasn’t spoiled, even if its texture is unpleasant. Paying careful attention to the temperature, yeast in your kitchen, and the type of milk you use can also reduce the chances of stringy yogurt occurring again.

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