
How Long Does Unopened Yogurt Last? Find Out Now! 

 March 9, 2025

By  Diane Miles

When it comes to yogurt, a question so many of us have asked is: just how long does it last? Maybe you want to stock up on your favorite yogurt but don’t know how long it’ll last. Or maybe you picked up some yogurt on sale and want to make it last as long as possible. However, one problem always arises: will it last long enough? Well, today you’re in luck because we have the answer. In this post, you’ll learn how long unopened yogurt lasts, and how to store it so it lasts even longer.

Unopened store-bought yogurt typically lasts between one and three weeks in the refrigerator before going bad. If stored correctly, homemade yogurt can last up to two weeks. 

So let's not waste any more time - let's find out how long unopened yogurt lasts!

How Long Does Unopened Yogurt Last?

Unopened yogurt has long been a staple of healthy grocery lists around the world. But do you ever stop to think about how long unopened store-bought or homemade yogurt can last? Luckily, the shelf life of this tasty treat isn't too complicated and is surprisingly longer than many foods with similar ingredients if it's properly stored.

Experts generally agree that unopened yogurt can last up to two weeks in the refrigerator when stored at or below 45 degrees Fahrenheit. Of course, this timeline could be shortened depending on the packing materials, as some are thinner than others and will break down more quickly after being exposed to warm temperatures. Similarly, organic yogurts tend to have shorter expiration dates than their conventional counterparts due to the use of fewer preservatives.

On the other hand, there are those who claim that unopened yogurt can stay good for months at room temperature—a claim supported by no scientific evidence. While storing yogurt at a temperature lower than that in your refrigerator might help slow down bacterial growth and prolong its shelf life, there’s no guarantee the yogurt will remain safe to consume. Perishable products should never be left out at room temperature for extended lengths of time, regardless of what some people claim.

Unopened yogurt has a longer shelf life than many similarly perishable items when properly stored in an enclosed container at 40°F or below. While room temperature storage may slow down spoilage, it's not a reliable method for maintaining the safety of your food and should be avoided unless absolutely necessary.

Nevertheless, understanding how and where to store your unopened yogurt will ensure you get all of its nutritional benefits without sacrificing health and safety. Now that we know how long unopened yogurt lasts, let’s look into whether it’s best kept in the fridge or at room temperature - but that’s another topic altogether.

Refrigerator vs. Room Temperature Storage

Now that we have discussed the correct storage method for ensuring the longest shelf life of yogurt, let’s debate between storing yogurt in the refrigerator versus at room temperature. Refrigeration is preferred over room temperature because refrigerators will keep food and perishable items cold, thus preventing spoiling or bacteria growth. It also reduces the risk of a foodborne illness, such as salmonella.

On the flip side, some yogurts can be stored and enjoyed best at room temperature without worry. For example, traditional Greek yogurt requires no to little refrigeration in order to maintain its creamy texture and full flavor.

However, regardless if your yogurt is stored in the refrigerator or on your kitchen counter, it should still be consumed within or before the “best by” date marked on the package. Many other factors contributing to the shelf life of unopened yogurt will be discussed in later sections, so stay tuned!

Factors that Affect the Shelf Life of Unopened Yogurt

The shelf life of yogurt that is stored unopened can be affected by a variety of factors. These include the refrigerator or room temperature at which it is stored, the expiration date, and the manufacturing process used. Refrigerators and room temperature storage both play an important role and have their advantages and disadvantages.

While storing yogurt in a refrigerator below 40°F will help prolong its shelf life due to the cold temperatures slowing down bacterial activity, this limits when and where you can store yogurt. For example, when camping or on a picnic, storing unopened yogurt in a cooler with ice packs would not be practical in most cases.

On the other hand, when temperature maintenance is not an issue, it is best to store yogurt at room temperature to ensure that its quality will last longer. Unlike refrigerators, room temperature storage helps protect the yogurt from changing temperatures that occur when opening and closing fridge doors which can affect the yogurt’s texture or act as a shock to its probiotics.

Another factor that affects how long unopened yogurt lasts is its expiration date which should be checked upon purchase and prior to consumption for health safety reasons. This date indicates how long the product will remain fit for consumption after initial manufacturing occurred if it maintains its proper storage conditions. One should also take into account the manufacturing process that occurred. 

Some yogurts contain additives such as preservatives or bacteriophage which can extend the shelf life past its expiration date depending on how long ago it was made and what happened during production. If a product has stayed at optimal temperatures through transport (which included refrigeration) then it could still be assumed fit for consumption past its expiration date.

Therefore many factors come into play in deciding how long unopened yogurt will last. Depending on your needs, you must consider these variables to ensure that your yogurt remains safe and fresh while stored properly. In our next section, we will explore further details regarding buying freshness cues like expiration date and manufacturing process in more detail.

Expiration Date and Manufacturing Process

When determining how long unopened yogurt will last, it is also important to look at the expiration date and manufacturing process. All packaged yogurts have an expiration date listed on their packaging - and this date is generated by considering when the yogurt was made and the type of product manufacturing process used.

The two main processes used to make yogurt are traditional production, which uses an acid coagulant at higher temperatures, or the active culture vinegar method, which involves adding live bacteria cultures and then lowering the temperature. Depending on the type of process used, the expiration date could be less than one week or up to several weeks later.

Though dates can sometimes offer a general indication of how long a product will last, it should also be noted that due to health regulations, many producers tend to put expiration dates on products that are somewhat earlier than necessary. This means that there is still a risk (albeit slight) that unopened yogurt near its expiration date may not last as long as expected. It is always best to use your own judgment when eating food past its printed expiration date.

By recognizing these factors and being mindful of what goes into making yogurt, consumers can better understand how long unopened yogurt will last in their refrigerator. This knowledge can then be used to help determine when it's time to throw out unopened yogurt that has been stored for an extended period of time.

When To Throw Out Unopened Yogurt

When it comes to deciding when to throw out unopened yogurt, it's not always clear what the best course of action is. On one hand, you want to make sure that you are consuming products that are safe for consumption and free from bacteria or other potential contaminants. On the other hand, you also don’t want to throw away food that can still be enjoyed and eaten.

To make the right decision, it’s important to consider both the expiration date on the yogurt and any changes in texture or smell. Generally, it is safe to consume unopened yogurt up until the printed expiration date on the package. However, if the yogurt smells off, has a different color, or has a strange texture, then it should probably be thrown out sooner. A good rule of thumb is if at all in doubt then discard the product earlier than normal.

It is worth mentioning that even after yogurt has been opened and is only a few days past its expiration date, it can still be consumed as long as there are no signs of spoilage or obvious contaminants. In these cases, sensory evaluation can often still be used to indicate whether or not a product is still fit for consumption.

When deciding when to throw out unopened yogurt it is important to take into consideration both the printed expiration date on the product as well as any changes in texture or smell which could indicate spoilage. Although it may seem like an inconvenience to throw away food that seems "fine," it is generally safer to err on the side of caution and discard a product before consuming if there are any doubts about its safety.

Frequently Asked Questions 

How can you tell if yogurt has gone bad?

The best way to tell if yogurt has gone bad is to look for visible signs of spoilage, such as changes in color, texture, or smell. If the yogurt appears off-color, has an unpleasant smell, or shows lumps or rips in the container, it’s a sign that it has expired. Additionally, if yogurt develops a sour-tasting flavor, it’s time to toss it out. Unopened yogurts typically last about one to two weeks past the sell by date.

Does yogurt need to be refrigerated if unopened?

Yes, yogurt needs to be refrigerated if unopened to ensure it stays fresh. Unopened yogurt typically has a shelf life of approximately one to two weeks when refrigerated. The milk used to make yogurt contains bacteria cultures, and a cold temperature is necessary for these cultures to incubate slowly. This slows the natural aging process of milk, allowing the yogurt to last longer.

When yogurt is left out on a counter or other warm area, the heat speeds up the fermentation process, causing the lactose sugars in milk to break down quickly. As a result, the yogurt spoilage can happen much faster than intended and will not be safe to consume.

Are there any risks associated with consuming expired yogurt?

Yes, there are risks associated with consuming expired yogurt. Consuming spoiled dairy products can lead to food poisoning and gastrointestinal issues due to the presence of bacteria. Eating expired yogurt may contain harmful bacteria like Listeria which can cause a life-threatening infection.

Additionally, you may experience digestive discomfort such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramping, and diarrhea after eating expired yogurt. For this reason, it is always recommended to check for expiration dates before consuming any packaged food item and never consume expired food products.

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