
How Much Sugar is in Yogurt? A Guide to Understanding Nutrition Labels 

 March 7, 2025

By  Diane Miles

We all know that yogurt is a nutritional powerhouse that provides essential vitamins, minerals, and probiotics; however, did you know that some yogurt products contain more sugar than a donut? This startling realization can make it difficult to choose the right yogurt for your diet. But you do not have to throw in the towel yet!

The amount of sugar found in yogurt can vary depending on the type and brand. Generally, one cup of plain, low-fat yogurt contains 12 to 18 grams of sugar, while Greek yogurt can contain up to 9 grams.

In this guide, you will learn exactly how to read a nutrition label, calculate sugar amounts, and navigate the yogurt aisle to find the best option for your dietary needs. Buckle up and get ready to take nutrition labels head-on!

How Much Sugar is in Yogurt?

When it comes to how much sugar is in yogurt, opinions are divided. On one side, some people argue that commercially produced yogurts contain excessive amounts of added sugars and are not part of a healthy daily diet. Studies have found that the average cup of yogurt can contain as much as 21 grams of total sugars, with 14 of those being added sugars. On the other hand, proponents of yogurt consumption point to its health benefits including being an excellent source of calcium and probiotics. Yoplait’s low-fat vanilla yogurt contains 19g of total sugars and 12g of added sugars per 8oz container—amounts which, when taken in moderation, may not be considered too high according to the American Heart Association (AHA), which recommends limiting your daily intake of added sugars to no more than 36 grams for men and 25 grams for women.

It is important to pay close attention to nutrition labels when shopping for yogurt, but it is also useful to recognize that there are healthier alternatives out there. For example, plain Greek yogurt contains 11g of total sugar and no added sugar per 6 oz container; while plain frozen yogurts typically contain 15-17g of total sugar per ½ cup serving with none from added sugar.

Regardless of your opinion on the sugar content in yogurt, understanding the total amount of sugar per serving will provide a better insight into what brands to seek out or avoid when searching for healthy varieties. As we move forward, let's look at what this number really means and identify strategies for making healthier decisions at the grocery store.

Total Amount of Sugar per Serving

When it comes to the total amount of sugar in yogurt, it is important to consider the serving size before making any definitive conclusion. Every type of yogurt will contain a different amount of sugar depending on the number of servings and their associated sizes, as well as the brand’s added ingredients and flavors. Generally, typical Greek yogurt may contain anywhere from 10 to 18 grams of sugar per 5.3-ounce single-serve container.

On the other hand, flavored yogurts can range from 25 to 35 grams for the same size serving. While plain yogurt does tend to have lower levels of added sugar, it does still naturally contain small amounts of lactose sugar. Therefore, people should always be mindful of how much sugar they are consuming per serving regardless of what kind of yogurt is being eaten.

Sugar is an important ingredient that can elevate flavor profiles and make relatively plain products more palatable, but when consumed in excess it has the potential to cause adverse health effects over time. Therefore, it is always best practice to look at nutrition labels carefully before purchasing and compare brands that offer similar types of yogurt while paying special attention to the amounts listed after “sugars” on each nutrition label.

Now that we have an understanding of how much sugar is typically found in differing kinds of yogurts and tips for adequately reading nutrition labels, let's take a deeper dive into understanding the different types of yogurt and what they contain regarding sugar content.

Types of Yogurt and Their Sugar Content

When comparing the total amount of sugar found in one serving size of yogurt, it is important to consider the different types available and how they may differ in terms of levels of sweetness. In general, most yogurts contain some form of added sweetener such as honey, cane sugar, evaporated cane juice, fructose, or other artificial sweeteners.

As with anything, there are arguments for and against adding additional sweeteners to yogurt. Some argue that too much sugar can lead to issues with weight control and potential health issues like diabetes, therefore it is healthier to eat plain or unsweetened Greek yogurt rather than brands that contain added sugar made from the fruit on the bottom. On the other hand, however, those who advocate for adding more sugar believe it can help add flavor, texture, and overall satisfaction.

So which type of yogurt should you choose? While unsweetened varieties of yogurt contain higher amounts of calcium and protein per serving than their counterparts full of added sugars, this doesn’t necessarily mean that all types high in sugar are bad or unhealthy. If a person is looking to avoid eating excess sugar while not giving up on yogurt altogether, a good option might be to consume flavored yogurts that use natural ingredients like pieces of fruits and vegetables as their flavor base instead of relying on artificial flavors and sugar.

Whatever type you decide is right for you, it is important to read nutritional labels carefully before purchase. The Food and Drug Administration requires companies to list nutrition facts on all products so you can compare what kind will contain the least amount of added sugars for each given type.

By understanding your options when it comes to types and brands of yogurt available on the market today and reading product labels carefully before making a purchase decision, you can make sure you are choosing a brand that fits your dietary needs when it comes to the amount of sugar consumed per serving. Taking these steps will help you ensure that whatever type of yogurt you choose will have an appropriate level of sweetness without oversaturating the body with unnatural sugars each morning at breakfast time.

Moving forward we'll explore other ways observing nutrition labels can help us become better informed consumers when shopping for a variety of food items.

When choosing yogurt, it is important to consider the different types available and the amount of added sugars they contain. Unsweetened yogurts tend to have higher levels of protein and calcium per serving than their counterparts full of added sugars, but these sweeter varieties can provide flavor, texture, and overall satisfaction.


It is also important to read nutritional labels carefully before purchasing yogurt in order to find a brand that fits your dietary needs. Taking these steps can help you ensure that you are selecting a type of yogurt with an appropriate level of sweetness and not consuming excess unnatural sugars.

Comparing Yogurt to Other Foods and Beverages

When comparing yogurt to other foods and beverages, it is important to note that different types of yogurts can have varying levels of sugar. The sweetness of a food can often be a determining factor in whether or not someone may enjoy eating it. For example, plain yogurt has a more tart flavor than flavored yogurt, which can contain added sugar. This means that those who prefer sweeter foods may land on the side of choosing flavored over plain yogurt when making their dietary decisions.

In comparison to other foods and drinks, yogurt does have less sugar than many of its counterparts. While soda and juice contain upwards of 40 to 50 grams per serving, most yogurts stay between 10 and 20 grams even when they are flavored or sweetened. Some non-dairy substitutes for yogurt may also contain added sugar but will likely still hold lower amounts than other sugary beverages. Additionally, some breakfast cereals contain up to 30g of sugar which highlights that yogurt can be a more nutritious option for those looking to limit their daily sugar intake if compared to other snacks.

It is important for consumers to understand the amount of sugar that exists in various dairy and dairy substitute products so that they can make informed choices when selecting foods to incorporate into their diets. As understanding how much sugar is present varies based on the type of product selected and how it is prepared, being aware of potential sugar content can help ensure people are satisfied with their dietary decisions while maintaining their health and wellness objectives.

With this knowledge in hand, we can then turn our attention towards exploring natural sources of sugar as an alternative option when seeking healthier alternatives with less added sugars.

Natural Sources of Sugar

It is important to recognize that naturally occurring sugars also exist, unlike man-made added sugars which are considered to be unhealthy. Natural sources of sugar can be found in many foods and beverages, including yogurt. Fruits such as strawberries, oranges, and grapes are a great source of naturally occurring sugar, provided they haven’t been highly processed and are devoid of fiber. Some dairy products such as unflavored milk also contain natural sugar, although not as much as many fruits. Other examples include vegetables like sweet potatoes and squash, honey, maple syrup, and unsweetened yogurt.

Many experts debate the impact of these naturally occurring sugars on our health and whether or not some should be viewed differently than added sugars. While some believe that naturally occurring sugars present no threat to our health because they are consumed with beneficial fibers and micronutrients, others argue that there is no difference between the two types of sugars and that both should be limited for optimal health.

However, despite the debate over natural versus added sugar, there is consensus that consuming large amounts of added sugar poses a severe health risk due to increasing evidence linking high intake with type 2 diabetes, obesity, and inflammation. In comparison, yogurt offers a relatively low sugar content compared with other popular snacks and beverages. Therefore yogurt can still be enjoyed in moderation while attempting to limit added sugar consumption.

On the other hand, it is important to remember that different yogurts may contain more or less sugar depending on the ingredients. Additionally, individual tastes may lead to a preference for sweeter yogurt varieties offering more grams of total sugar per serving size. It is essential to consider this when making food choices in order to compare nutritional values between different items on grocery store shelves for achieving one’s desired nutrition goals. With this knowledge about the amount of added or natural sugars in yogurt, we can now move toward understanding the possible benefits and risks associated with its consumption.

The Benefits and Risks of Eating Yogurt

One of the most popular dairy products worldwide, yogurt has become a staple in many diets. While it is generally a healthful choice, there are both unknown benefits and risks associated with eating yogurt.

  • The Benefits: Yogurt boasts unparalleled nutrition compared to other dairy foods. For instance, it contains essential vitamins and minerals like calcium, riboflavin, zinc, and vitamin B-12. It is also full of probiotics which are beneficial bacteria that help improve gut health. This can have a positive effect on digestion, immunity, and overall health. Studies have linked regular consumption of yogurt to lower cholesterol levels, blood pressure regulation, improved bone health, and reduced inflammation.
  • The Risks: While generally considered safe for adults, consuming excessive amounts of sweetened or flavored yogurts may introduce certain health risks. Predominantly, this is due to the high sugar content in these yogurts. Eating too much sugar increases the risk of heart disease, obesity, and type 2 diabetes. Therefore individuals should always monitor their intake levels when choosing sweetened or flavored yogurts in order to stay within the recommended daily amount (no more than 25g per day).

The potential benefits outweigh the risks when it comes to eating yogurt, making it an ideal addition to any healthy diet. However, as with all types of food and drink, moderation is key and individuals should take into account all dietary needs before consuming any type of yogurt.

Frequently Asked Questions 

How does the sugar content of yogurt vary between brands?

The sugar content of yogurt can vary significantly between brands. For instance, plain Greek yogurt is generally lower in sugar than regular flavored yogurts, as it does not contain added sugar.

On the other hand, flavored yogurts, such as fruit-flavored or artificially flavored ones, contain additional sugar from added sweeteners or flavorings. Some brands even add high fructose corn syrup or artificial sweeteners to enhance the taste.

Therefore, it is important to read labels carefully and compare the sugar content of different yogurt brands before making a purchase.

Are there any health benefits associated with eating yogurt with added sugar?

Yes, there are some health benefits associated with eating yogurt with added sugar. Yogurt contains beneficial bacteria known as probiotics, which may help improve digestion, reduce inflammation, and boost the immune system.

Additionally, the added sugar helps to balance out the natural tartness of the yogurt and makes it more enjoyable to eat. This can often make it easier to consume larger portions of yogurt which is beneficial for providing you with additional essential nutrients needed for a healthy diet.

Is there a recommended daily limit of sugar in yogurt?

Yes, it is recommended that adults consume no more than 25 grams (or 6 teaspoons) of added sugar per day. Yogurt can be a great source of protein and calcium, but added sugars in yogurt can easily push this limit and increase the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes.

Therefore, when purchasing yogurt, it is important to read nutrition labels carefully and look for yogurts that have no added sugar or low sugar content (<10 g sugars per 100 g). Additionally, natural yogurt with fresh fruit added can provide a healthy alternative to sugary yogurt.

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